First experience dive

Assalamualaikum.. hello my name is Fitrayani, I am a student from the Makassar Tourism Polythecnic, a study program of Tour and Travel Business third semester.

This is my fisrt blog and I want to tell you about Marine Field Trip Report. On 10th – 11th October 2019 me and friends from the Tour and Travel Business study program third semesters was held Marine Field Trip on Dutungan Island. This is the first field trip during third semester and we are so excited. In this field trip we were accompanied by beloved advisors Mr. Amirullah, Mrs. Atriana Djabbar, and Mrs. Mila and also our tour leaders Mr. Didit and Ms. Sardika. This tour was handled by PT. MITRA SELARAS.

The First day

We are gathering at orange building on campus at 06.00 am and we went visited Dutungan Island. Dutungan Island located in Palanro, Mallusetasi subdistric Barru regency it tooks three to four hours from Makassar city. Before we arrived at Dutungan island we have to take a boat at Tanjung Indah dock it took 10 minutes. When we arrived at dutungan island we change our clothes for diving. After that we gathered and hear explanation about step and procedures diving and snorkeling from the instructor. And then we had lunch while saw the beautiful view of the dutungan island. After lunch we started to dive and snorkeling. I am so excited because this is my first experience to dive. To be honest I am little bit scared and afraid hahaha. I try snorkel. I used life jacket and snorkel equipment. After that I try to dive. I used the dive equipment and the instructor said some code such as if our feeling is good we give a thumbs up and if there is a problem we shake our hand and show where the problem and when the instructors said jump I jumped and set the respiratory. It’s soooo unforgettable moment. The view of the underwater is so amazing. I can touch the coral and and saw the fish and then I took a photo in underwater.

 After snorkel and dive we changed our clothes and took photo together while wait the boat pick up  us. And then we arrived at Tanjung Indah dock we get on the bus and headed to Delima Sari Hotel at Pare-Pare city. It took one hour. When we arrived at Hotel directly checked in and divided the room list and then we rested for a while preparing for dinner.After dinner at Ayam Penyet Ria we presentation about healty safety and security simulation and each group showing entertainment. After that we back to room to the rested.

The Second day

We woke up and doing morning exercise at Habibie Ainun Monument after that we back to the hotel and prepared for breakfast and checked out.

After breakfast we leaving the hotel and we visited paputo beach. From the hotel to the Paputo Beach it took 30 minutes. After we arrived, we heard our friend guiding and then we observation around Paputo Beach. After observation we enjoyed the view of paputo beach and some of my friend sing a song at Paputo Beach because in there have a music live. And then we took a photo together and get on the bus and leave paputo beach.

And the next our visited at Teras Empang for lunch. This restaurant have a beautiful view and unique because there are boat at the restaurant. After lunch we took a photo and prepared to back to the campus. And finally we arrived at Poltekpar campus.

Well guys I think that’s all my experience thank you for visit my blog and read my post :)

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Nature Field Trip Report
Haii, welcome to my blog. Now I want to tell you about Nature Field Trip. Nature Field Trip was held on 14,15,16 Oct 2019 at North Toraja. In this field trip we were accompanied by advisors Mr. Amrullah and Mr. Matius and also our tour leaders Mr. Didit and Ms. Mifta. This tour was handled by PT. MITRA SELARAS.

Day 1
On Monday 14 Oct 2019 all participants (UPW 3A) gathering in front of Orange building Makassar Tourism Polythechnic Campus at 07.00 am to do briefing and loading baggage. 

Leaving for Maros, Pangkep, Barru. During this trip all participants guiding one by one. At Barru Regency we had lunch and praying time at Kupa Beach Restaurant.

After having lunch we are going to Bambapuang area at Enrekang Regency for coffee or tea break. And next we are going to Indra Hotel Toraja to check in and prepared for dinner evaluation night and over night.

Early morning we start our activity by morning call at 05.00 am, walking around the hotel and breakfast. After breakfast we are going to Timenbayo to see beautiful view. After that we continue to Lokomata.

Lokomata is a stone grave and then we are soft tracking to Mentiro Tiku Restaurant for having lunch. We were served typical food from Toraja namely Papiong. In Indonesia language it seems like Pepes, but Pepes usually made from fish, meanwhile Papiong made from chicken and the tasty is so good. After having lunch we continue the trip to Lempo for the second soft tracking.

 At Lempo we saw buffalo that have fantastic prices around 86 million until 600 million. Buffalo is important for the Toraja people because there must be in funeral ceremony.

And then we are going to Bori. Bori is like a Menhir. This place used as funeral ceremony place. Consists of many gravestones. Along the way we passed the forest  to the valley.

And then drive to Todi. At Todi, we saw how to make weaving. According to weaver, this weaving can be completed in 3 months and the prices of weaving around 400-700 thoousand rupiah/ meter. After that we’re back to hotel prepared for dinner evaluation night and over night.


Early morning we start our activity by morning call and breakfast. After breakfast we prepared check out and we are going back to Makassar. We are going to traditional market to bought some souvenirs and we continue to Laki Padada and next we are going toBambapuang area for coffee or tea break.

 And then we are going to Teras Empang Restaurant at Pare-Pare City for having lunch. After that we are going to Idaman Restaurant for having dinner. Late in the aafternoon we arrive at Makassar Tourism Polythecnic Campus. End of tour.

So I think that’s all of my Nature Field Trip Report. Thanks for read my postJ

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First experience dive
Assalamualaikum.. hello my name is Fitrayani, I am a student from the Makassar Tourism Polythecnic, a study program of Tour and Travel Business third semester.

This is my fisrt blog and I want to tell you about Marine Field Trip Report. On 10th – 11th October 2019 me and friends from the Tour and Travel Business study program third semesters was held Marine Field Trip on Dutungan Island. This is the first field trip during third semester and we are so excited. In this field trip we were accompanied by beloved advisors Mr. Amirullah, Mrs. Atriana Djabbar, and Mrs. Mila and also our tour leaders Mr. Didit and Ms. Sardika. This tour was handled by PT. MITRA SELARAS.

The First day

We are gathering at orange building on campus at 06.00 am and we went visited Dutungan Island. Dutungan Island located in Palanro, Mallusetasi subdistric Barru regency it tooks three to four hours from Makassar city. Before we arrived at Dutungan island we have to take a boat at Tanjung Indah dock it took 10 minutes. When we arrived at dutungan island we change our clothes for diving. After that we gathered and hear explanation about step and procedures diving and snorkeling from the instructor. And then we had lunch while saw the beautiful view of the dutungan island. After lunch we started to dive and snorkeling. I am so excited because this is my first experience to dive. To be honest I am little bit scared and afraid hahaha. I try snorkel. I used life jacket and snorkel equipment. After that I try to dive. I used the dive equipment and the instructor said some code such as if our feeling is good we give a thumbs up and if there is a problem we shake our hand and show where the problem and when the instructors said jump I jumped and set the respiratory. It’s soooo unforgettable moment. The view of the underwater is so amazing. I can touch the coral and and saw the fish and then I took a photo in underwater.

 After snorkel and dive we changed our clothes and took photo together while wait the boat pick up  us. And then we arrived at Tanjung Indah dock we get on the bus and headed to Delima Sari Hotel at Pare-Pare city. It took one hour. When we arrived at Hotel directly checked in and divided the room list and then we rested for a while preparing for dinner.After dinner at Ayam Penyet Ria we presentation about healty safety and security simulation and each group showing entertainment. After that we back to room to the rested.

The Second day

We woke up and doing morning exercise at Habibie Ainun Monument after that we back to the hotel and prepared for breakfast and checked out.
After breakfast we leaving the hotel and we visited paputo beach. From the hotel to the Paputo Beach it took 30 minutes. After we arrived, we heard our friend guiding and then we observation around Paputo Beach. After observation we enjoyed the view of paputo beach and some of my friend sing a song at Paputo Beach because in there have a music live. And then we took a photo together and get on the bus and leave paputo beach.

And the next our visited at Teras Empang for lunch. This restaurant have a beautiful view and unique because there are boat at the restaurant. After lunch we took a photo and prepared to back to the campus. And finally we arrived at Poltekpar campus.

Well guys I think that’s all my experience thank you for visit my blog and read my post :)

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